Bamboo vs cotton these are the pros and cons
Bamboo vs cotton: these are the pros and cons For decades, cotton has been the fabric from which our clothes are made. However, for quite some time, worthy alternatives have been sought. Most of the fabrics are discarded because they do not have the good qualities of cotton. So is bamboo? And what are actually…
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Jewelery pendant from a branch (Mother’s Day)
DIY Jewelery pendant from a branch (Mother's Day) One more week and then we have to believe it. At least, our children. Mother's Day is just around the corner and so I'm sharing a nice DIY to give an original gift to mom or grandma. Last week you could read how I made wooden photo…
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Climbing with children in the south of France
A week in pictures. Climbing with children in the south of France Every time it is a gamble, how will the weather be, will we be able to climb a little and how is the campsite?. The weather was not quite right this time, but the climbing and camping were plenty positive. This time one…
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Comfortable lingerie that looks good and is comfortable to wear
Comfortable lingerie that looks nice and is comfortable to wear You can wear a nice dress or pants, but if you’re not wearing comfortable lingerie, you still won’t feel comfortable. Nothing more annoying than a sagging bra strap or uncomfortable underwear. But where to find well-fitting lingerie? Why comfortable lingerie
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Typical boy things every boy mom recognizes
Typical boy things every boy mom recognizes By Joyce – At home I really have a boy-boy (is there such a word?) and a girl girl. I find it so incredibly funny to see, but also sometimes a tad irritating. Because pfoe, those boy things: it's something else! Why do those pants always break?? 5x…
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Bunny Bum Cookies for Easter
Recipe Bunny Bum Cookies for Easter In a little over a week it will already be Easter and these days Easter is almost as culinary as Christmas if all the flyers are to be believed. All kinds of goodies are offered to you and I think they all think Easter lasts a week if you…
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Prejudices about stay-at-home moms
Prejudices about stay-at-home moms But you have lots of time? Isn’t your world very small then? Aren’t you bored then? Just a few prejudices about stay-at-home moms. I myself am a stay-at-home mom and I run into these prejudices from time to time. I was curious if more moms are ‘bothered’ by this and if…
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Winter Outfits And A Chance To Win Shopping Credit
5x winter outfits and a chance to win shopping credit! (Closed) Brrr.. Cold Weather is coming. The time of long coats and lovely Warm sweaters is coming again. I am a big fan of both and love to curl up on the couch in a comfy outfit. I Show You Some Of My Favorites And…
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Mud Kitchen (Mud Day 2022)
DIY Mud Kitchen (Mud Day 2022) Soon it will be time, Mud Day! And we made a cool mud kitchen for that. Mud Day originated in Nepal to give children positive nature experiences. Veldwerk Nederland brought this to the Netherlands in 2013. Mud Day is every June and more and more schools andnurseries participate in…
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What I should be ashamed
Things I Should Really Be Ashaged Of Very bad, but there are some things i shouldlle really be ashaged or. Those Little Things That Have Become A Habit. Or Things I Forbid My Little Man But Then Do Myelf. I should be ashamed of these and secretly I am But I Confess Them Anyway. 5x…
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