Ouch! An abrasion
Ouch! An abrasion!
Like any toddler, ours has regular scrapes. If not because he fell on his bike, then because he tripped over toys lying around. Consequence; his knees are constantly open.
You don’t want to know how sad our little man finds himself then. As befits a real man, he is then very sad and we have to be particularly careful.
Monday he had another one of those incidents. His abrasion from the week before had just closed when he ran out enthusiastically. You guessed it. He fell to earth. Since he wears shorts in these temperatures, the damage was soon done.
The knee was open again. Thick tears and quickly on mom’s lap. Of course, I am highly specialized in comforting my little man, so after a few minutes he was back on both legs.
At least, on one leg. The other leg stumbled after it. He was badly injured after all. (Read; the scrape was there but a scab was already forming right away.) This is how our toddler waddled, like a lame horse, to the bench.
Immediately followed by the inevitable; “mama, I want an ice cream to get happy again”. Yes, the toddler was feeling so pathetic and injured that he thought to wrap mommy around his little finger. As we still had lunch I did not agree to his brilliant plan. Amazingly, not even a furious roar came out of the blond guy. No, he was busy inspecting his wound.
Secretly he thought it was pretty cool to have another graze on his face. A little later he had forgotten all about it and was playing again. Thus the afternoon rippled on.
In the evening, however, it was time to take a bath. The little man was already tired and only wanted a short bath. No problem, a quick scrub through the suds and his black hands and out again. He climbed out of the bath by himself and insisted on being dried by mommy and not daddy.
Yes, you can feel it coming. Apparently mom is the wiping expert when it comes to a scrape. Suddenly he felt he had an abrasion at all.
I already saw him looking frightened when I wanted to dry his legs with the towel. “No, be quiet mom!”, cried the toddler. Just yet no blind panic in his’n eyes.
At that moment I realized I was dealing with a mini-me here. Yes the author of this piece was exactly the same. Ok, maybe even still a little. Water and suds also stings in an abrasion though! When I was little I screamed bloody murder if I had to take a shower with a wound.
Skillfully I kept the body part in question out of the shower, stood with my leg on the edge of the bath or wanted a plastic bag around my hand. Anything to keep the wound dry. Yes, I think I was even worse than my little man.
So he is no stranger to it.
With this in mind, I gently pat my mini-me’s knee dry. Satisfied he looks at me. Also with dressing I am warned. If I could be careful with his knee. “Yes aapie, mommy put on your clothes very carefully”.
In the end he happily hops to his room and forgets about the whole knee situation. Happy.
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